Thoreau events are open to all - visitors, friends, and members


Adult Discussion Group

March 30 “Private Equity Friend or Foe

Private Equity owned companies in the U.S. employ over 20% of all working adults. You may think that they're our friends for providing so many jobs, but the reality is much more complex and darker and deeply destabilizing to our fragile democratic republic of the United States. They are shielded from providing financial transparency, corporate governance transparency, and all reporting requirements by the SEC. They have special tax breaks that other more mundane corporations don't have. They buy up the competition, driving out innovation, driving down wages, and reducing American competitiveness.  They have long time horizons and can embrace technological risk better than publicly traded corporations and make wealthy individuals even wealthier. They are known for spectacular failures such as Toys R Us, Sears, Radio Shack, and TGI Fridays. They are known for their success in buying businesses and then, after steering them through a transition of rapid performance improvement, selling them for a heady profit.  Friend or Foe?  Our guest Speaker is John Veneruso.

Adult Discussion Group will be meeting in person @ 9:45 AM in Thoreau’s Clark Cabin except on the third Sunday of each month when we will meet in the Sanctuary @ 11 AM.

The AC and HEPA filter will be running to keep Clark Cabin & the Sanctuary as safe as possible.

For those that prefer: We will provide ZOOM via the OWL system when we meet in the cabin & our Moderator Tamara will recognize your hand up and add you to the queue.

Thoreauvians and friends will be notified each week ( of our ADG topic, time and zoom login.
Please keep an eye out for our notices.

Interested in joining this discussion? Get in Touch!

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Sunday Celebration

March 30 “A Hindu Walks Into a UU Church”

Hinduism and Unitarianism met two hundred years ago when Ralph Waldo Emerson, a pillar of our religion, was introduced to a beloved scripture of the Hindus called the “Bhagwat Gita.”

Emerson’s writings reflect his regard for the Gita. He introduced the book to his protégé, Henry David Thoreau.  Thoreau took to heart the Gita’s message of doing one’s duty and went on to write his famous essay on “Civil Disobedience.” This essay was one of the inspirations for Mahatma Gandhi’s non-violent campaign that freed India from British rule. Reverend Martin Luther King then brought Gandhi’s methods back to the USA in his struggle for civil rights. For two hundred years, the message of the Gita has bounced back and forth between the two countries as a peaceful means of attaining freedom. In this talk, Dr. Kalia traces the 5000-year history of Hinduism and reflects on how some of its precepts might be food for thought for modern-day Unitarian Universalists.

Join us in-person for our weekly gathering.

During in-person worship service, Religious Education is offered for children 5 and over, and a nursery is available. You are invited to join us for hospitality after the service.

Interested in joining this service in person? Get in Touch!

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Adult Enrichment

AE Lunchitarians

This is a recurring virtual meeting every Wednesday from noon - 1:30 PM.

Thoreau Lunchitarians discuss books, or other matters arising

Check your email for topic details and the Zoom link!

Interested in joining this discussion? Get in Touch!

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Women's Book Club

Book: Lady Clementine: A Novel by Marie Benedict.

From Marie Benedict, the New York Times bestselling author of The Only Woman in the Room! An incredible novel that focuses on one of the people with the most influence during World War I and World War II: Clementine Churchill.

In 1909, Clementine steps off a train with her new husband, Winston. An angry woman emerges from the crowd to attack, shoving him in the direction of an oncoming train. Just before he stumbles, Clementine grabs him by his suit jacket. This will not be the last time Clementine Churchill will save her husband.

Lady Clementine is the ferocious story of the ambitious woman beside Winston Churchill, the story of a partner who did not flinch through the sweeping darkness of war, and who would not surrender to expectations or to enemies.

Books are selected by the members of the Women’s Book Club

Reoccurring monthly on the First Monday, starting at 1:00 PM; we meet in members’ homes.

Interested in joining this discussion? Get in Touch!

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Adult Enrichment

AE Lunchitarians

This is a recurring virtual meeting every Wednesday from noon - 1:30 PM.

Thoreau Lunchitarians discuss books, or other matters arising

Check your email for topic details and the Zoom link!

Interested in joining this discussion? Get in Touch!

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Adult Enrichment

AE Lunchitarians

This is a recurring virtual meeting every Wednesday from noon - 1:30 PM.

Thoreau Lunchitarians discuss books, or other matters arising

Check your email for topic details and the Zoom link!

Interested in joining this discussion? Get in Touch!

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Adult Enrichment

AE Lunchitarians

This is a recurring virtual meeting every Wednesday from noon - 1:30 PM.

Thoreau Lunchitarians discuss books, or other matters arising

Check your email for topic details and the Zoom link!

Interested in joining this discussion? Get in Touch!

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Adult Enrichment

AE Lunchitarians

This is a recurring virtual meeting every Wednesday from noon - 1:30 PM.

Thoreau Lunchitarians discuss books, or other matters arising

Check your email for topic details and the Zoom link!

Interested in joining this discussion? Get in Touch!

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Adult Enrichment

AE Lunchitarians

This is a recurring virtual meeting every Wednesday from noon - 1:30 PM.

Thoreau Lunchitarians discuss books, or other matters arising

Check your email for topic details and the Zoom link!

Interested in joining this discussion? Get in Touch!

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Sunday Celebration

March 23  “Who We Are”

Students from Travis High School will be in the pulpit to talk about their perspective on some of the current political/social commentary and how it affects them. There will be time for respectful questions and comments.

Join us in-person for our weekly gathering.

During in-person worship service, Religious Education is offered for children 5 and over, and a nursery is available. You are invited to join us for hospitality after the service.

Interested in joining this service in person? Get in Touch!

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Adult Discussion Group

March 23   “Consciousness is Fundamental: Space-Time is Doomed”

Some philosophers and scientists argue that consciousness is fundamental because it is a primary, subjective quality of existence (e.g. the taste of chocolate), meaning it cannot be explained by objective physical processes (without hopeful hand waving about emergent properties or an act of faith that science will dissolve the “hard problem”).  Panpsychism proposes that consciousness exists within everything, from atoms to humans to galaxies, and the entire reality we experience is a manifestation of consciousness. Noel Zinn will lead the discussion.

Adult Discussion Group will be meeting in person @ 9:45 AM in Thoreau’s Clark Cabin except on the third Sunday of each month when we will meet in the Sanctuary @ 11 AM.

The AC and HEPA filter will be running to keep Clark Cabin & the Sanctuary as safe as possible.

For those that prefer: We will provide ZOOM via the OWL system when we meet in the cabin & our Moderator Tamara will recognize your hand up and add you to the queue.

Thoreauvians and friends will be notified each week ( of our ADG topic, time and zoom login.
Please keep an eye out for our notices.

Interested in joining this discussion? Get in Touch!

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Adult Enrichment

AE Lunchitarians

This is a recurring virtual meeting every Wednesday from noon - 1:30 PM.

Thoreau Lunchitarians discuss books, or other matters arising

Check your email for topic details and the Zoom link!

Interested in joining this discussion? Get in Touch!

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Sunday Celebration / Adult Discussion

March 16  “The Prison Entrepreneurship Program 

The Prison Entrepreneurship Program (PEP) is dedicated to delivering the nation’s best outcomes in the prison re-entry field. It’s work empowers men to reconstruct their identities from tax consumers to taxpayers, gang leaders to servant leaders, and felons to community role models. Speaker, Al Massey,  serves as the Executive Relations Manager for the Prison Entrepreneurship Program (PEP), at the Oliver J. Bell Unit in Cleveland, Texas.

Join us in-person in Thoreau’s Sanctuary or via Zoom for our discussion service.

On one Sunday a month, our Adult Discussion Group coordinates the speaker for our weekly gathering.

During ADG Sunday Service, Religious Education is offered for children 5 and over, and a nursery is available.

You are invited to join us for light snacks after ADG.

Interested in joining this service in person? Get in Touch!

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2nd Friday Discussion Group

2nd Friday Discussion Group will meet on March 14th at Becks Prime:
1822 SH-6 S, Sugar Land, TX  77478.  
Near the Sugar Land Whole Foods.  
Here’s the menu:  

TOPIC:  Whatever you’d like to discuss

Gobsmacked by what’s going on?  Would you like to join a conversation about it with a group of highly (but genially) opinionated people more intelligent than turnips (and so currently disqualified from civil service)?  Then come join Thoreau’s Second Friday discussion group March 14 at 11:00 am at Beck’s Prime, 1822 Hwy 6, Sugar Land, TX 77478.  

Reoccurring monthly on the Second Friday.

Interested in joining this discussion? Get in Touch!

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Adult Enrichment

AE Lunchitarians

This is a recurring virtual meeting every Wednesday from noon - 1:30 PM.

Thoreau Lunchitarians discuss books, or other matters arising

Check your email for topic details and the Zoom link!

Interested in joining this discussion? Get in Touch!

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Sunday Celebration

March 9   "The Bregdan Principle: Living with Courage, Hope and Purpose"

Bregdan is a Gaelic word meaning “weaving” or “braiding”. The concept describes living with courage, hope and purpose. Lindi Kohn will be in the pulpit to discuss the key themes the Bregdan Principle encompasses.

Join us in-person for our weekly gathering.

During in-person worship service, Religious Education is offered for children 5 and over, and a nursery is available. You are invited to join us for hospitality after the service.

Interested in joining this service in person? Get in Touch!

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Adult Discussion Group

March 9   “Executive Orders: Stroke of a Pen…kinda cool”

A relic of the British Monarchy and devoid of Constitutional designation, the once humble executive order has reached the highest level of government influence. How has this happened and where are we headed? Professor Garna Christian will talk about Executive Orders

Adult Discussion Group will be meeting in person @ 9:45 AM in Thoreau’s Clark Cabin except on the third Sunday of each month when we will meet in the Sanctuary @ 11 AM.

The AC and HEPA filter will be running to keep Clark Cabin & the Sanctuary as safe as possible.

For those that prefer: We will provide ZOOM via the OWL system when we meet in the cabin & our Moderator Tamara will recognize your hand up and add you to the queue.

Thoreauvians and friends will be notified each week ( of our ADG topic, time and zoom login.
Please keep an eye out for our notices.

Interested in joining this discussion? Get in Touch!

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Adult Enrichment

AE Lunchitarians

This is a recurring virtual meeting every Wednesday from noon - 1:30 PM.

Thoreau Lunchitarians discuss books, or other matters arising

Check your email for topic details and the Zoom link!

Interested in joining this discussion? Get in Touch!

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Women's Book Club

Book: Like Mother, Like Mother: A Novel by Susan Rieger

An enthralling novel about three generations of strong-willed women, unknowingly shaped by the secrets buried in their family’s past.

“What a delight! Like Mother, Like Mother is sharp, fun, and witty.”—Ann Napolitano, bestselling author of Hello Beautiful

“A sprawling family saga, briskly told with the lightest of touches and an often-surprising sense of humor.”—Rumaan Alam, bestselling author of Leave the World Behind


Detroit, 1960. Lila Pereira is two years old when her angry, abusive father has her mother committed to an asylum. Lila never sees her mother again. Three decades later, having mustered everything she has—brains, charm, talent, blond hair—Lila rises to the pinnacle of American media as the powerful, brilliant executive editor of The Washington Globe. Lila unapologetically prioritizes her career, leaving the rearing of her daughters to her generous husband, Joe. He doesn’t mind—until he does.

But Grace, their youngest daughter, feels abandoned. She wishes her mother would attend PTA meetings, not White House correspondents’ dinners. As she grows up, she cannot shake her resentment. She wants out from under Lila’s shadow, yet the more she resists, the more Lila seems to shape her life. Grace becomes a successful reporter, even publishing a bestselling book about her mother. In the process of writing it, she realizes how little she knows about her own family. Did Lila’s mother, Grace’s grandmother, die in that asylum? Is refusal to look back the only way to create a future? How can you ever be yourself, Grace wonders, if you don’t know where you came from?

Spanning generations, and populated by complex, unforgettable characters, Like Mother, Like Mother is an exhilarating, portrait of family, marriage, ambition, power, the stories we inherit, and the lies we tell to become the people we believe we’re meant to be.

Books are selected by the members of the Women’s Book Club

Reoccurring monthly on the First Monday, starting at 1:00 PM; we meet in members’ homes.

Interested in joining this discussion? Get in Touch!

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Sunday Celebration

March 2    "Active Hope: A Strategy for Response to Apocalypse?"

For those of us who feel trapped by anxiety and powerlessness, what rational responses can we choose to make in the face of our sense of a system thrown out of balance?

Our Emeritus Minister, Rev. Dan King, returns to share personal reflections informed by seminars with Thich Nhat Hanh and Buddhist scholar Joanna Macy as well as writings by Victor Frankl.

Join us in-person for our weekly gathering.

During in-person worship service, Religious Education is offered for children 5 and over, and a nursery is available. You are invited to join us for hospitality after the service.

Interested in joining this service in person? Get in Touch!

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Adult Discussion Group

March 2    “The Story That Shapes Your Relationship With Nature” 

Are we separate and superior to nature? This question has been a driving force behind humanity's industrialization and economic progress for centuries -- but it's brought us to the brink of an ecological crisis, says filmmaker Damon Gameau. In an impassioned 14-minute talk, that's sure to elicit a good ADG discussion, he calls for a new story that recognizes our interconnectedness with nature and moves towards a thriving, regenerative future. Perfect for National Wildlife Day and led by Doug Kohn.

Adult Discussion Group will be meeting in person @ 9:45 AM in Thoreau’s Clark Cabin except on the third Sunday of each month when we will meet in the Sanctuary @ 11 AM.

The AC and HEPA filter will be running to keep Clark Cabin & the Sanctuary as safe as possible.

For those that prefer: We will provide ZOOM via the OWL system when we meet in the cabin & our Moderator Tamara will recognize your hand up and add you to the queue.

Thoreauvians and friends will be notified each week ( of our ADG topic, time and zoom login.
Please keep an eye out for our notices.

Interested in joining this discussion? Get in Touch!

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Adult Enrichment

AE Lunchitarians

This is a recurring virtual meeting every Wednesday from noon - 1:30 PM.

Thoreau Lunchitarians discuss books, or other matters arising

Check your email for topic details and the Zoom link!

Interested in joining this discussion? Get in Touch!

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Sunday Celebration

February 23  “Owning Our Own Religious Past”

Unitarian Universalists are not given a list of beliefs to which we must subscribe. We have to develop our own theology. But how does that happen? From where do we derive the elements of our faith system? This service will offer some ideas on how this happens.

Join us in-person for our weekly gathering.

During in-person worship service, Religious Education is offered for children 5 and over, and a nursery is available. You are invited to join us for hospitality after the service.

Interested in joining this service in person? Get in Touch!

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Adult Discussion Group

February 23   “Meditation”

Worried about Trump?  About climate change?  About poverty? About the Sixth Extinction?  Maybe you can’t save humanity (or maybe you can), but you can certainly save yourself.  How?  By realizing that your Self is just a thought like any other thought that can be ignored with practice.  This is called non-duality or advitya (अद्वित्यः) in Sanskrit.  “In the concept of non-duality, ‘good’ and ‘bad’ are seen as illusory distinctions, meaning they are not separate realities but rather constructs of the mind, ultimately dissolving into a unified whole where everything is simply "what is," without inherent good or bad qualities; essentially, the idea is that good and bad are two sides of the same coin, and when you see beyond duality, you perceive the interconnectedness of everything without judgment.”  Noel Zinn will show us how. 

Adult Discussion Group will be meeting in person @ 9:45 AM in Thoreau’s Clark Cabin except on the third Sunday of each month when we will meet in the Sanctuary @ 11 AM.

The AC and HEPA filter will be running to keep Clark Cabin & the Sanctuary as safe as possible.

For those that prefer: We will provide ZOOM via the OWL system when we meet in the cabin & our Moderator Tamara will recognize your hand up and add you to the queue.

Thoreauvians and friends will be notified each week ( of our ADG topic, time and zoom login.
Please keep an eye out for our notices.

Interested in joining this discussion? Get in Touch!

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Adult Enrichment

AE Lunchitarians

This is a recurring virtual meeting every Wednesday from noon - 1:30 PM.

Thoreau Lunchitarians discuss books, or other matters arising

Check your email for topic details and the Zoom link!

Interested in joining this discussion? Get in Touch!

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MLK Youth Day of Service

MLK Youth Day of Service - February 17

The Fort Bend Interfaith Council sponsors a Martin Luther King Youth Day of Service each year, and every year, Thoreau has sponsored one of the service projects.  This year we will be helping kids make blankets and write Valentine’s cards, for patients at the Houston Veterans’ Hospital. The Interfaith MLK Youth Day of Service brings teens from all different faith communities together to work on community service projects. This year the event will be held at the Ismaili Center in Sugar Land. If you are interested in participating, please reach out via the link below.

Open to all Youth in 7th + Above.


Ismaili Jamatkhana

1700 First Colony Blvd

Sugar Land, TX 77479

Do you have a teen Interested in participating in this event? Get in Touch!

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Sunday Celebration / Adult Discussion

February 16  “We’re not new! The History of UU in the US”

History teacher Dave Householder will talk about the history of Unitarian Universalism in the US.

Join us in-person in Thoreau’s Sanctuary or via Zoom for our discussion service.

On one Sunday a month, our Adult Discussion Group coordinates the speaker for our weekly gathering.

During ADG Sunday Service, Religious Education is offered for children 5 and over, and a nursery is available.

You are invited to join us for light snacks after ADG.

Interested in joining this service in person? Get in Touch!

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2nd Friday Discussion Group

2nd Friday Discussion Group will meet on February 14th at Becks Prime:
1822 SH-6 S, Sugar Land, TX  77478.  
Near the Sugar Land Whole Foods.  
Here’s the menu:  

TOPIC: Whatever you’d like to discuss

If we’re all too numbed by current events to pick just one, we could go literary and discuss The Second Coming by William Butler Yates.  Do review it here and maybe check the internet for assorted interpretations.

The Second Coming

Turning and turning in the widening gyre   

The falcon cannot hear the falconer;

Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;

Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,

The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere   

The ceremony of innocence is drowned;

The best lack all conviction, while the worst   

Are full of passionate intensity.

Surely some revelation is at hand;

Surely the Second Coming is at hand.   

The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out   

When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi*

Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert   

A shape with lion body and the head of a man,   

A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,   

Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it   

Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.   

The darkness drops again; but now I know   

That twenty centuries of stony sleep

Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,   

And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,   

Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

*Spiritus Mundi, loosely, means “soul of the world."

Please join us as we Choose Our Own Adventure!

Reoccurring monthly on the Second Friday.

Interested in joining this discussion? Get in Touch!

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Adult Enrichment

AE Lunchitarians

This is a recurring virtual meeting every Wednesday from noon - 1:30 PM.

Thoreau Lunchitarians discuss books, or other matters arising

Check your email for topic details and the Zoom link!

Interested in joining this discussion? Get in Touch!

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Sunday Celebration

February 9   "Does the New Political Landscape Demand We Advocate For LGBTQ+ People?"

Serena Azu, with Equality Texas, will explore the themes of resilience, compassion, and the power of community in times of challenge. We'll reflect on how we can show up for one another with love and care, even in the face of adversity, and how grounding ourselves in shared values can inspire hope and action.

Join us in-person for our weekly gathering.

During in-person worship service, Religious Education is offered for children 5 and over, and a nursery is available. You are invited to join us for hospitality after the service.

Interested in joining this service in person? Get in Touch!

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Adult Discussion Group

February 9   “Yes Theory”

What is the Yes Theory philosophy? Yes Theory is a philosophy, a way of life, and a community. The Yes Fam is open to adventure, taking risks, chasing passions, and giving back as much as possible along the way. Jim Sheridan presenting.

Adult Discussion Group will be meeting in person @ 9:45 AM in Thoreau’s Clark Cabin except on the third Sunday of each month when we will meet in the Sanctuary @ 11 AM.

The AC and HEPA filter will be running to keep Clark Cabin & the Sanctuary as safe as possible.

For those that prefer: We will provide ZOOM via the OWL system when we meet in the cabin & our Moderator Tamara will recognize your hand up and add you to the queue.

Thoreauvians and friends will be notified each week ( of our ADG topic, time and zoom login.
Please keep an eye out for our notices.

Interested in joining this discussion? Get in Touch!

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Adult Enrichment

AE Lunchitarians

This is a recurring virtual meeting every Wednesday from noon - 1:30 PM.

Thoreau Lunchitarians discuss books, or other matters arising

Check your email for topic details and the Zoom link!

Interested in joining this discussion? Get in Touch!

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(Cancelled) Women's Book Club

This month’s selection is  Like Mother, Like Mother by Susan Rieger

An enthralling novel about three generations of strong-willed women, unknowingly shaped by the secrets buried in their family’s past.

“What a delight! Like Mother, Like Mother is sharp, fun, and witty.”—Ann Napolitano, bestselling author of Hello Beautiful

“A sprawling family saga, briskly told with the lightest of touches and an often-surprising sense of humor.”—Rumaan Alam, bestselling author of Leave the World Behind


Detroit, 1960. Lila Pereira is two years old when her angry, abusive father has her mother committed to an asylum. Lila never sees her mother again. Three decades later, having mustered everything she has—brains, charm, talent, blond hair—Lila rises to the pinnacle of American media as the powerful, brilliant executive editor of The Washington Globe. Lila unapologetically prioritizes her career, leaving the rearing of her daughters to her generous husband, Joe. He doesn’t mind—until he does.

But Grace, their youngest daughter, feels abandoned. She wishes her mother would attend PTA meetings, not White House correspondents’ dinners. As she grows up, she cannot shake her resentment. She wants out from under Lila’s shadow, yet the more she resists, the more Lila seems to shape her life. Grace becomes a successful reporter, even publishing a bestselling book about her mother. In the process of writing it, she realizes how little she knows about her own family. Did Lila’s mother, Grace’s grandmother, die in that asylum? Is refusal to look back the only way to create a future? How can you ever be yourself, Grace wonders, if you don’t know where you came from?

Spanning generations, and populated by complex, unforgettable characters, Like Mother, Like Mother is an exhilarating, portrait of family, marriage, ambition, power, the stories we inherit, and the lies we tell to become the people we believe we’re meant to be.

Books are selected by the members of the Women’s Book Club

Reoccurring monthly on the First Monday, starting at 1:00 PM; we meet in members’ homes.

Interested in joining this discussion? Get in Touch!

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Sunday Celebration

February 2    "Diversity & UU: Our Moral Imperative?"

Our Emeritus Minister, Rev. Dan King, returns to share personal and theological reflections on a recently published  guide for "Working Together", authored by Rice professors Dr. Mikki Hebl and Dr. Eden King.

This handbook distills their 25 years of shared scholarship focus and offers practical advice on implementation of (Unitarian Universalist-shared) values and ideals of DEI in the real world

Join us in-person for our weekly gathering.

During in-person worship service, Religious Education is offered for children 5 and over, and a nursery is available. You are invited to join us for hospitality after the service.

Interested in joining this service in person? Get in Touch!

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Adult Discussion Group

February 2    “Chest Pain?  Who you gonna call?” 

Family doctor Michael Crouch will facilitate a discussion about chest pain at different ages, especially those over 65. The main focus will be on when, where, and how to seek medical attention for chest pain.

Adult Discussion Group will be meeting in person @ 9:45 AM in Thoreau’s Clark Cabin except on the third Sunday of each month when we will meet in the Sanctuary @ 11 AM.

The AC and HEPA filter will be running to keep Clark Cabin & the Sanctuary as safe as possible.

For those that prefer: We will provide ZOOM via the OWL system when we meet in the cabin & our Moderator Tamara will recognize your hand up and add you to the queue.

Thoreauvians and friends will be notified each week ( of our ADG topic, time and zoom login.
Please keep an eye out for our notices.

Interested in joining this discussion? Get in Touch!

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Adult Enrichment

AE Lunchitarians

This is a recurring virtual meeting every Wednesday from noon - 1:30 PM.

Thoreau Lunchitarians discuss books, or other matters arising

Check your email for topic details and the Zoom link!

Interested in joining this discussion? Get in Touch!

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