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Adult Discussion Group

March 24th @ 9:45AM in Clark’s Cabin:  JOHN VENERUSO 

The U.S. is so addicted to coal, oil, and natural gas that it's willingly undermining Capitalism, Baking us All

We know that at some point we need to stopping emitting more CO2 into our atmosphere as they are now more than they were a few million years ago when temps were 2.7F hotter than they are today.  Currently, our oceans are temporarily sinking the extra heat.  But even if we stop all global emissions of CO2 today, temps will climb that +2.7F by 2100.  Fortunately, renewable power from wind and solar are now less expensive to build and maintain over their life cycle than coal, oil, natural gas, and nuclear.  But even with this unsubsidized cost difference, the U.S. is not decreasing the amount of power generated by carbon-based fuel out to 2050 and beyond. China is committed to generating all of its electricity from renewables by 2060, enabling their manufacturing sector to out compete the U.S. with less expensive power.  Why is the U.S. capitalistic system failing to act given the compelling profit motivation?  Why are we willing to bake ourselves in sweltering heat and pay more for A/C when we don't have to?

Adult Discussion Group will be meeting in person @ 9:45AM in Thoreau’s Clark Cabin except on the third Sunday of each month when we will meet in the Sanctuary @ 11AM.

Masks are now optional. The AC and HEPA filter will be running to keep Clark Cabin & the Sanctuary as safe as possible.

For those that prefer: We will provide ZOOM via the OWL system when we meet in the cabin & our Moderator Tamara will recognize your hand up and add you to the queue.

Thoreauvians and friends will be notified each week ( of our ADG topic, time and zoom login.
Please keep an eye out for our notices.

Interested in joining this discussion? Get in Touch!

March 20

Adult Enrichment

March 24

Sunday Celebration