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Sunday Celebration

October 29, 11 am --  “Costumes Immortalize Characters” by Donna Duria Burleigh

Current events and our society are reflected in the clothing and costumes we wear. Who are we and what does our clothing say about us? Can you deduct truths about a person from their outfit? What are the clues? Is there central heating, expected roles of men and women, what attire depicts a banker, conductor, or a baker?  Are they costumes or clothing, or are they both?

Join us in-person or via Facebook Live as for our weekly gathering.

During in-person worship service, Religious Education is offered for children 5 and over, and a nursery is available. You are invited to join us for hospitality after the service.

Masks are now optional

Interested in joining this service in person? Get in Touch!

October 29

Adult Discussion Group

November 1

Adult Enrichment