**Cancelled due to Hurricane Beryl**
The ADG Summer Series
July 21: Margaret E. Anderson on CLF (Church of the Larger Fellowship), with a robust prison ministry
The Church of the Larger Fellowship (CLF) is a virtual congregation and the largest UU congregation in this country. They have a robust prison ministry. In fact, slightly more than half of their members are incarcerated. Any UU can participate in the prison ministry without joining the CLF. Margaret will explain various ways we can help in this worthy cause.
Margaret Anderson is a trainer and consultant specializing in bridge-building communication skills and author of several books on that subject. This time, however, she will not speak about her usual subject matter, but rather, about the CLF prison ministry.
July 7th to August 11th we will meet in Thoreau’s Sanctuary at 11AM for Talkback Service.
The Adult Discussion Group is a moderated group discussion, which begins with a presentation of 15-20 minutes, followed by Q&A.
Discussions are open to all young adult and adult members, friends, and visitors.
During ADG Sunday Service, Religious Exploration is offered for children 5 and over, and childcare is available for children under 5.
Children will not start out in the service, but rather go straight to the Clark Cabin.
You are invited to join us for coffee and light snacks after Service..
Interested in joining this service in person? Get in Touch!