April 21-Third Sunday 11 AM (in sanctuary): Ron Masters: Mark Twain Aphorisms
Mark Twain aphorisms will be presented and discussed- such as: Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.
Last time we presented this it was an absolutely wonderful experience. Everyone had something to say in response, even the quiet ones. .
Join us in-person in Thoreau’s Sanctuary or via Zoom for our discussion service.
On one Sunday a month, our Adult Discussion Group coordinates the speaker for our weekly gathering.
During ADG Sunday Service, Religious Education is offered for children 5 and over, and a nursery is available.
You are invited to join us for light snacks after ADG..
Interested in joining this service in person? Get in Touch!