June 16th - Third Sunday @ 11AM in Sanctuary celebrating both Father’s Day & Gay Pride Day-Michael Crouch on “Independence and Interdependence in the Circle of Life”
This discussion will focus on tradeoffs between independence and interdependence, and strategies for maintaining a healthy, functional balance between them at different stages of the life cycle. Tactics for accepting necessary dependence and minimizing harm from dysfunctional codependence tendencies will also be discussed.
After participating in this discussion, you should be able to: (1) characterize how your need/desire for independence matches your current and predicted future ability to maintain your independence, (2) characterize how well you are able to admit you need help, ask for help, and accept help offered to you, (3) characterize how you experience interdependence with others and the world on a day to day basis, (4) specify one strategy for minimizing codependence in your close relationships.
Join us in-person in Thoreau’s Sanctuary or via Zoom for our discussion service.
On one Sunday a month, our Adult Discussion Group coordinates the speaker for our weekly gathering.
During ADG Sunday Service, Religious Education is offered for children 5 and over, and a nursery is available.
You are invited to join us for light snacks after ADG..
Interested in joining this service in person? Get in Touch!