November 5th @ 9:45AM in Clark’s Cabin:“ Is the Universe Pointless?”
Presentation by Ron Masters PhD
We’ll hear Sabine Hossenfelder unpack a famous quote from her most-revered physicist, Nobel Laureate Steven Weinberg: “The more the Universe seems comprehensible, the more it also seems pointless.” In the process, she considers several proponents of teleology; i.e., those who try to explain the Universe in terms of its outcomes. Lots of ideas in 15 minutes, most related to what’s called the “Fine Tuning Problem”; i.e., Life would not be possible if any of the several fundamental constants of Physics—all measured, none derived from theory—were much different than they are. I was a little disappointed that she did not reference Jeremy England’s proof that complexities; e.g., life and snowflakes, are inevitable when they are possible. Several good opportunities to discuss what constitutes evidence, and how Physics differs from Psychology.
Adult Discussion Group will be meeting in person @ 9:45AM in Thoreau’s Clark Cabin except on the third Sunday of each month when we will meet in the Sanctuary @ 11AM.
Masks are now optional. The AC and HEPA filter will be running to keep Clark Cabin & the Sanctuary as safe as possible.
For those that prefer: We will provide ZOOM via the OWL system when we meet in the cabin & our Moderator Tamara will recognize your hand up and add you to the queue.
Thoreauvians and friends will be notified each week ( of our ADG topic, time and zoom login.
Please keep an eye out for our notices.
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