February 11th @9:45AM in Clark’s Cabin : Betty Johnson on “COP28 stock-taking and updates from the field of climate research”
Betty attended American Geophysical Union meeting in San Francisco, and sat in on a number of sessions on climate research and modeling, including some that were live streamed with/from COP28. She would classify herself as a well-informed scientist observer of climate research, not a specialist. However, Betty thinks some of what She learned would be of interest to the Thoreauvian crowd. In particular, Betty thinks the ADG group could have a lively discussion debating the impact of "greenwashing" at COP28
Adult Discussion Group will be meeting in person @ 9:45AM in Thoreau’s Clark Cabin except on the third Sunday of each month when we will meet in the Sanctuary @ 11AM.
Masks are now optional. The AC and HEPA filter will be running to keep Clark Cabin & the Sanctuary as safe as possible.
For those that prefer: We will provide ZOOM via the OWL system when we meet in the cabin & our Moderator Tamara will recognize your hand up and add you to the queue.
Thoreauvians and friends will be notified each week (tuucannounce@groups.io) of our ADG topic, time and zoom login.
Please keep an eye out for our notices.
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