2nd Friday Discussion Group will meet September 8 at 11 am at Becks Prime:
1822 SH-6 S, Sugar Land, TX 77478.
Near the Sugar Land Whole Foods.
Here’s the menu: https://www.becksprime.com/menu/menu.pdf
TOPIC: “How America Got Mean” by David Brooks
We’ll discuss David Brooks’ article in the August 14, 2023 The Atlantic, “How America Got Mean”: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2023/09/us-culture-moral-education-formation/674765/
If you are unable to open that link, just google “how america got mean” and you’ll find other places to access the article — or to watch a related video.
Please come share your thoughts — and do bring some ideas for next month’s discussion!
As always, this Third Friday session is open to all Thoreauvians, visitors, and guests. All are welcome, even if you didn’t RSVP earlier to the requested head count.
Hope to see you there!
Reoccurring monthly on the Third Friday.
Interested in joining this discussion? Get in Touch!