Sept 4 – The Big Picture: What every Young Person and Grandparent Should Know by Michael Dowd.
Presented by Ron Masters
We’ll watch Michael Dowd’s first in-person sermon since covid,
which brings us up to date on his current thinking. Modern, human-centered industrial society does not have coping mechanisms for the array of threats it now faces, and offers only “hopium” in a variety of forms. Individually, we can learn “indigenuity” from nature-centered societies; change our hearts to be future-centered; consider the world not as a resource for exploitation inherited from our colonial forebears, but as wealth we borrow from our grandchildren, and their grandchildren in turn. The talk contains many references to literature for additional study.
Adult Discussion Group will be meeting in person @ 9:45AM in Thoreau’s Clark Cabin except on the third Sunday of each month when we will meet in the Sanctuary @ 11AM.
We ask that you please be Masked. The AC and HEPA filter will be running to keep Clark Cabin & the Sanctuary as safe as possible.
For those that prefer: We will provide ZOOM via the OWL system when we meet in the cabin & our Moderator Tamara will recognize your hand up and add you to the queue.
On the Third Sunday our 11AM presentation will be via Facebook.
Thoreauvians and friends will be notified each week ( of our ADG topic, time and zoom login.
Please keep an eye out for our notices.
Interested in joining this discussion? Get in Touch!