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Sunday Celebration

"Cultivating Resilience: Healthy Responses to Adversity" by Thoreau Minister Emeritus Rev. Dan King

Most of us are sometimes confronted with unanticipated challenges or personal trauma, tragedy, or catastrophe at various points in our lives. In this service, our Minister Emeritus Rev. Dan King shares some of his own experiences in the light of reflections from the work of Viktor Frankl and others to illustrate how "Cultivating Resilience: Healthy Responses to Adversity" might provide useful pathways for constructive outcomes.

We gather weekly in our sanctuary at 3515 Clayhead Road, Richmond, TX. All are welcome to join us.

During in-person worship, Religious Education is offered for children 5 and over, and a nursery is available.

Our Adult Discussion Group meets before the service at 9:45 in the Clark Cabin and via Zoom.

You are invited to join us for hospitality hour after the service.

Masks are required indoors.

It’s the week we are collecting children’s t-shirts for the Lamar School District’s Common Threads project which provides school clothing to kids in need.

If you prefer to order online, here’s an Amazon shopping list.

Thoreau services are at 11 am at the Thoreau Unitarian Universalist Congregation, 3515 Clayhead, Richmond.

Our services can also be viewed on Facebook Live at

Interested in learning more about Thoreau? Get in Touch!

September 4

Adult Discussion Group

September 6

Women's Book Club