Our speaker will be David Throop from Bay Area UU
“Stories From the End of the World, Part 2”
David Throop will speak about the world’s deep religions —including our sciences— and how they foretell awe-inspired stories of the end of creation. How do our lives matter in the face of eventual end of the universe? What hope does our UU faith counsel here?
We will hold our Annual Congregational Meeting after the service, followed by an Ice Cream Social (for all ages). Childcare for all ages will be offered during the meeting.
Join us in-person or via Facebook Live as for our weekly gathering.
During in-person worship service, Religious Exploration is offered for children 5 and over, and our nursery is available for childcare. You are invited to join us for hospitality after the service.
Masks are now optional
Interested in joining this service in person? Get in Touch!